No Seat on the Bus

I Samuel 16:7

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him.  The Lord does not look at the things men look at.  Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

No seat on the busThat’s what, Emily, the new girl riding our school bus encountered everyday that school year, until things changed.

Kids in junior high, at times, can be so harsh and cruel.  Emily, didn’t look like the rest of the kids.  They would deliberately shun her, criticize her and not let her sit with them.  She was labeled an Albino – white hair, white skin and pink eyes. However, I was glad to let her sit next to me.  Through the year we became friends.  While others would not take the time to get to know her she became a special friend to me.

Near the end of the school year she mentioned she was going to participate in the school talent show.  She would be playing the guitar and singing.  In my heart I admired her, yet nervously hoped she would do well.

When the day finally arrived, the other kids performed and did well.  Emily was the last performer.  I waited with anticipation at the edge of my seat.  I, along with the rest of the audience was taken back and humbled with the sound of the guitar and the beautiful voice and song that came from her heart.  It was no surprise she won 1st place!

It was a good lesson, at an early age, how man sees the outward appearance, but God sees the heart and blesses.

Lord, if we have been transformed and know you intimately, help us to be obedient to your word.  Open the eyes of our hearts to see and look beyond the outward appearance and beyond our differences to see a heart that may be hurting and in need of your love.

About Bernadette

I am a widow/single mom excited about finding new adventure, even if it stretches my abilities. Daily, I am challenged by the wisdom of the Bible, Oswald Chambers’ devotionals and the “still small voice” of the Lord as He meets with me every morning. I have enjoyed lots of fun things with my kids and friends... ice fishing, scuba diving, traveling, sleeping in the rain forest with little critters, camping (even below zero weather), hiking, biking (250 mi. ride, the Royal Gorge-lovely), walking a tight rope (25 ft.), built/slept in a quinzhee. Yes, scouting can stretch one beyond belief when you're a mom. I enjoy outdoor activities, cycling and just recently, standup paddle boarding (it doesn’t hurt when you fall). I love Colorado, great place to live! I am discovering how much I love “words”… His Words. They are written on my heart and constantly on my mind. With much prayer and a humble heart, may the words I write be pleasing to Him. And He said unto them, Go into all the world and preach and publish openly the good news (the Gospel) to every creature. Mark 16:15
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